16 February 2012


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Stitch cake!

Getting worst or getting better, I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm lost, or maybe I am used to the person who I'm becoming.
Still, I would still get affected easily by people around me. I would get demoralized over the slightest comments. Maybe Im paranoid, or maybe im just fucked up. Can you just imagine how the way people look at you? And you really wanna read their mind on what they are thinking about you? Because all i get is "she's a freak" "she's a depression kid" "She's dangerous" "Dont offend her before she cries and whole drama starts"
Its after all the events that happened which made people look at you differently. How they treated you werent like the past.
Either ways, I still have girlfriends who are there for me. I tried blending in how I am in different types of people.

His name is "Prince Charming" Dad gave me the $ to buy it :)

From lovely Jiamin! Thanks for the highwaist shorts! :)

From my cutie Jocelin!! hehe

From a very beautiful strong lady, Mayfang.

From my xuan xuan~ Yixuan :D

From Vincent!

From my annoying bro. Honestly, I didnt expect him to give a gift. He claim its because he wanna eat my cake so he gave a present to bribe me. FAKE! LOL.

From boonchuan.

From the netballers! Thanks Josica and Jacelene for the cup, Amanda for the lunchbox and sticky memo pad and Hidayah and Chloe for the Self dispensing memo holder and the folder!! K its so stichy! hehe

From ke ai Yongyi and pretty xinrui. :) Thanks for the flora dress~

From sweetie Yunjie! :)
Pictures taken at Scape that day.

Polaroids taken!!

Thanks for all the stitch gifts and stitch cards and lovely notes etc!!! Really touched, and some of the cards i read till really wanna cry. HAHA. Love my friends a lot . xoxo Love my birthday this year.