So, Bernard and I celebrated our first anniversary together on 23 dec. We didn't actually celebrate it because we are just poor people lol.
We just went out to shop for Christmas gifts at that time and actually settled dinner which his mum had cooked at his house since we didn't want to spend money outside anymore.We also didn't take any photos because I was too shag to take one lol. How..... unromantic but nvm........ being together is what counts.
It has been a good one year and more with him as a boyfriend. He honestly just change 359 degree of how he acted as a friend to me and as a boyfriend. He didn't rlly care about me even when we were best friends LOL. He practically bullied me and just so damn annoying that I couldn't stand in class. But ever since we dated, it's my chance for a revenge... haha jk. Ya but I'm more of the bully but he's still the same old annoying lame guy towards the clique and sometimes, me.
But its still ok. I can still.. take it since he also compromise with my nonsense and really EXTREME ridiculous behaviour (most) of the time.

However we made cards for each other which is what I loved most hehehe. It was the first layout with all the materials that I have and feel so damn happy when I completed it.
The thing was able to slide left and right to open up a "card". ^ ^ Thanks to my cousin's great creative ideas lol
I thought he would give me a really nice card with coloured paper but unexpectedly he bought paper from paper market and made it like a calender. Altho photos weren't pasted yet and his abit cmi handwriting... it was really pretty. Plus the holes and all were cut by himself one by one and he went to find his poa file(?) and cut to bundle the whole papers up. LOL he could have just gone to mama shop or bookshop to do it but his house area didn't have one hahaha.
After few days later we decided to eat at "The Tea Party" since I have craving for some good cafe and just to recover the 23 la lol.
All in all, I'm really bless to have him as a boyfriend. and I can't wait to celebrate more anniversaries.
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